Today is Friday the 13th. It is a special day to me because today would have been my nana's 71st birthday. However she died 12 years ago when she was only 59 years old. She was in bad health and a lot of her health problems stemmed from being over weight such as asthma and diabetes.
Today I also had to write an assessment placement test for college. I told myself that she was with me today as I braved the very confusing campus trying to find my way around. I found my way so my theory can't be all crazy.
Whenever I have to go somewhere on a weekday I consider it out of routine so extra preparations and planning are necessary if I want to stay on track. I woke up a little bit earlier to ensure I had enough time for breakfast and made sure not to stop and buy anything from Tim Hortons or other tempting well loved places. As soon as I returned home I made myself lunch. This should sound like regular everyday things but the old me would have slept until the last minute, ate on the go for breakfast and lunch (if there was even a breakfast).
I am not working out today but will do so tomorrow.
hope the test went well!