Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 11 of 730 (Feeling The Pain And The Gain)

My body hurts. Specifically, the top of my thighs and my upper arms and parts of my back muscles are feeling the burn from this weeks workout. I can only imagine how shocked my body is with what it's been through this week. Afterall, I haven't exercised in months, or maybe not in over a year, but who's counting.

But you know what? I feel great. Through all the pain I can feel the gaain too. The real back pain I always felt feels so much better. I feel so much more flexible already. It's like I've loosened up.

This weekend is one of rest from my workout but I am pumped for my workout on Monday. My plan next week is to work out each day Monday to Friday. I will still be doing my 25 minute treadmill routine plus light weights and other exercises.

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