Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 14 of 730 (The Hangover)

I feel like I have a hangover this morning but I didn't even have anything to drink last night. What I did do last night was over indulge. I finished up my dinner at 5:30pm but didn't go to sleep until 1:30am. During that time I managed to eat popcorn, areo single bar, a mango, frozen yogurt and toast with cheese. Please don't judge me. It is very hard for me to share my failure but I did say from day 1 that i would share the good and the bad and be honest either way.

I regret it today and I am not really sure why I let myself snack so much. I do think it could be because my period should be coming soon. Sorry for too much information, but it's a given that this time of the month offers it's own set of challenges.

I am not letting last night's slip up break me down though. Instead I am leaving it in the past and moving on with today. I already made myself eat some cereal for breakfast and have planned my meals for the day. I will still do my workout as usual. Tonight I will be out of the house for part of the evening so that will help me control any further cravings.


  1. No need to beat yourself up over one "bad" evening of eats! Best advice I ever got about dealing with something that upset me was to "look at it and file it away". Basically, take it for what it is - a night of indulging. And now it's over & you're back on track!
    I think we all have days like this. As much as I get mad at myself for them though, I think in the long run it helps nudge me a bit closer to my ultimate goal!

  2. everyone has little slips like this in their journey! don't fret. you are brave and strong for posting about it and sharing so openly. rock on!
