Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 23 of 730 (That Time)

This post is really for the ladies, (Sorry guys).

So my period showed up almost a week late this month. I am assuming it's because of my new exercise routine. Now that it is here I feel so fat and bloated. I am suffering with extreme cramps (but that's nothing new). What is new is that I work out now and well, I need to know if the fact that my period is here means I should take it easy or just keep going as per usual. I naturally feel weak, hot and tired when my period is here. I cannot imagine working out today yet something inside tells me it's no excuse.

I would like some advice from my lady friends as to how you manage your weight loss efforts during your cycle. Do you eat differently or incorporate specific foods? Do you lighten your work out or skip it altogether or just continue as usual? Do you find that the weight gain during your cycle sticks or are you back to normal once aunt flo leaves?


  1. I make sure I drink more water during my period. Other than that, I keep my workouts the same unless I am in extreme distress. For me, exercise helps reduce the bloating, cramping, etc. associated with that time. You might not feel like doing it, but it will help you in the long run.
    Also, eating any processed foods and/or foods with a lot of sodium will only make your symptoms worse. For me, eating very very clean (drink water! can't stress that enough!) makes it a not-so-bad time of the month.

  2. I'm with Jill. I keep everything the same, and drink more water. I find that when I work out, my cramps disappear. Working out also helps with my PMS symptoms - I'm less bitchy!! I gain about 2lbs when it's that time of the month, but it disappears around the last day.
