Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 38 of 730 (Water)

My water intake has not been great lately. I need to focus on how much water I am drinking again, especially when I am out. This week I have been out a lot compared to my usual routine and on those days I have drank little to no water. I am not feeling as good as I was when I was drinking more water everyday.

I find it difficult to bring water with me everywhere because I really prefer drinking it in a glass with ice. It's hard for me to drink water from a bottle and more so when it's extremely warm. I am hoping I can train myself to just get used to it though.

My goal of the day is to drink more water no matter what.

1 comment:

  1. You should check out the new cups that Wal-Mart and Bed, Bath and Beyond sell. They look like the cups you can get at fast food places, with the straws and stuff. I drink MUCH more water drinking out of those compared to bottles. They are about $5 - and well worth it. You'll be amazed how much you guzzle down. :)
